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+43 353 725 025
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Imprint and Terms of Service

Hotel Waldschlössl
HRK Management GmbH

Kreischberg 2
8861 St. Georgen am Kreischberg
Tel.: +43 3537 25 002
E-mail: info@waldschloessel.at

Commercial register number: FN 566648g
Commercial Register Court: Landesgericht Leoben
UID: ATU77398978
Supervisory Authority: District Authority Murau

Errors and misprints reserved. We assume no legal warranty for incorrect information.

- The general terms and conditions of the hotel industry (ABGH) 2006 apply. Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der Hotellerie, ABGH 2006 .

Limitation of liability for internal content

The content of our website has been compiled with meticulous care and to the best of our knowledge. However, we cannot assume any liability for the up-to-dateness, completeness or accuracy of any of the pages.

Limitation of liability for external links

Our website contains links to the websites of third parties („external links“). As the content of these websites is not under our control, we cannot assume any liability for such external content. In all cases, the provider of information of the linked websites is liable for the content and accuracy of the information provided. At the point in time when the links were placed, no infringements of the law were recognizable to us. As soon as an infringement of the law becomes known to us, we will immediately remove the link in question.


The content and works published on this website are governed by the copyright laws of Austria. Any duplication, processing, distribution or any form of utilization beyond the scope of copyright law shall require the prior written consent of the author or authors in question.

Iratkozz fel hírlevelünkre és értesülj elsőként ajánlatainkról, akcióinkról!

Feliratkozásommal elfogadom a HRK Management GmbH hírlevél általános szerződési feltételeit. Ez a hozzájárulás bármikor visszavonható. Az említett személyes adatokat a hírlevél kiküldéséhez használjuk fel, azokat harmadik félnek nem adjuk ki.

+43 353 725 025